Filtrēt pēc



  • 2 640,00 € - 5 090,00 €

Slīpēšanas un metināšanas stacijas

SOG slīpēšanas un metināšanas stacijas no GPPH tiek izmantotas putekļu un gāzu, kas rodas slīpēšanas ar rokas slīpmašīnu vai metināšanas un metālapstrādes laikā, uztveršanai un aizvākšanai. SOG var kombinēt ar nosūces ventilatoru vai filtrēšanas ierīci. Tie ir pieejami divos izmēros: 1270x770, 1870x770. GPPH klāstā ietilpst statīva pamatne, pamatne ar vākiem un pamatne ar augšējo nosūcēju. Virsmai ir montāžas atveres sistēmā fi 28 mm 100x100 režģī un papildu atveres putekļu un gāzu nosūkšanai. Katrai slīpēšanas un metināšanas stacijas versijai ir 160 mm fi stiprinājums, kas uzstādīts nosūces tvertnes sānu virsmā. Šādā veidā gaisu var nosūkt no aizmugures caur nosūces tvertnes galdu. SOG darba stacijas ir vispiemērotākās elektromehāniskajā rūpniecībā, aviācijas un kosmosa nozarē, kā arī mašīnu un dažādu mašīnu ražošanā.

Aktīvie filtri

Grinding-welding station 1270x770mm - base

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2 640,00 €
Availability: 1000 In Stock

The grinding-welding station is intended for capturing and removing the dust and gases formed during grinding with a hand grinder or welding and metal working operations. The station may be used with an exhaust fan or fan-powered filter equipment.

Grinding-welding station 1270x770mm - base with guards

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2 970,00 €
Availability: 1000 In Stock

The grinding-welding station is intended for capturing and removing the dust and gases formed during grinding with a hand grinder or welding and metal working operations. The station may be used with an exhaust fan or fan-powered filter equipment.

Grinding-welding station 1270x770mm - base with top exhaust

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3 560,00 €
Availability: 1000 In Stock

The grinding-welding station is intended for capturing and removing the dust and gases formed during grinding with a hand grinder or welding and metal working operations. The station may be used with an exhaust fan or fan-powered filter equipment.

Grinding-welding station 1870x770mm - base

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3 990,00 €
Availability: 1000 In Stock

The grinding-welding station is intended for capturing and removing the dust and gases formed during grinding with a hand grinder or welding and metal working operations. The station may be used with an exhaust fan or fan-powered filter equipment.

Grinding-welding station 1870x770mm - base with guards

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4 140,00 €
Availability: 1000 In Stock

The grinding-welding station is intended for capturing and removing the dust and gases formed during grinding with a hand grinder or welding and metal working operations. The station may be used with an exhaust fan or fan-powered filter equipment.

Grinding-welding station 1870x770mm - base with top exhaust

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5 090,00 €
Availability: 1000 In Stock

The grinding-welding station is intended for capturing and removing the dust and gases formed during grinding with a hand grinder or welding and metal working operations. The station may be used with an exhaust fan or fan-powered filter equipment.