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  • € 2,640.00 - € 5,090.00

Stasjoner for sliping og sveising

SOG slipe- og sveisestasjoner fra GPPH brukes til å fange opp og fjerne støv og gasser som genereres under sliping med en manuell kvern eller sveising og metallbearbeiding. SOG kan kombineres med en avtrekksvifte eller en filtreringsenhet. De finnes i to toppstørrelser: 1270x770, 1870x770. GPPH-serien omfatter en stativsokkel, en sokkel med deksler og en sokkel med avtrekk over hodet. Toppen har monteringshull i systemet fi 28 mm i et rutenett på 100x100 og ekstra hull for støv- og gassavsug. Hver versjon av slipe- og sveisestasjonen har en 160 mm fi fixtur montert i sideflaten på avsugskummen. På denne måten kan luft suges ut bakfra gjennom avtrekksbordet. SOG-arbeidsstasjonene egner seg best for elektromekanisk industri, romfart og produksjon av maskiner og ulike typer maskiner.

Aktive filtre

Grinding-welding station 1270x770mm - base

  • Lägg till i offert
€ 2,640.00
Availability: 1000 In Stock

The grinding-welding station is intended for capturing and removing the dust and gases formed during grinding with a hand grinder or welding and metal working operations. The station may be used with an exhaust fan or fan-powered filter equipment.

Grinding-welding station 1270x770mm - base with guards

  • Lägg till i offert
€ 2,970.00
Availability: 1000 In Stock

The grinding-welding station is intended for capturing and removing the dust and gases formed during grinding with a hand grinder or welding and metal working operations. The station may be used with an exhaust fan or fan-powered filter equipment.

Grinding-welding station 1270x770mm - base with top exhaust

  • Lägg till i offert
€ 3,560.00
Availability: 1000 In Stock

The grinding-welding station is intended for capturing and removing the dust and gases formed during grinding with a hand grinder or welding and metal working operations. The station may be used with an exhaust fan or fan-powered filter equipment.

Grinding-welding station 1870x770mm - base

  • Lägg till i offert
€ 3,990.00
Availability: 1000 In Stock

The grinding-welding station is intended for capturing and removing the dust and gases formed during grinding with a hand grinder or welding and metal working operations. The station may be used with an exhaust fan or fan-powered filter equipment.

Grinding-welding station 1870x770mm - base with guards

  • Lägg till i offert
€ 4,140.00
Availability: 1000 In Stock

The grinding-welding station is intended for capturing and removing the dust and gases formed during grinding with a hand grinder or welding and metal working operations. The station may be used with an exhaust fan or fan-powered filter equipment.

Grinding-welding station 1870x770mm - base with top exhaust

  • Lägg till i offert
€ 5,090.00
Availability: 1000 In Stock

The grinding-welding station is intended for capturing and removing the dust and gases formed during grinding with a hand grinder or welding and metal working operations. The station may be used with an exhaust fan or fan-powered filter equipment.