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  • 2 640,00 € - 5 090,00 €

Stationer för slipning och svetsning

SOG slip- och svetsstationer från GPPH används för att fånga upp och avlägsna damm och gaser som genereras vid slipning med en manuell slipmaskin eller vid svetsning och metallbearbetning. SOG kan kombineras med en utsugsfläkt eller en filtreringsanordning. De finns i två toppstorlekar: 1270x770 och 1870x770. GPPH-sortimentet omfattar en stativbas, en bas med lock och en bas med överliggande utsug. Toppen har monteringshål i systemet fi 28 mm i ett rutnät på 100x100 och ytterligare hål för damm- och gasutsug. Varje version av slip- och svetsstationen har en 160 mm fi fixtur monterad i sidoytan på utsugssumpen. På så sätt kan luft sugas ut bakifrån genom bordet för utsugningssumpen. SOG-arbetsstationerna är mest lämpade för elektromekanisk industri, flyg- och rymdindustrin samt tillverkning av maskiner och olika typer av maskiner.

Aktiva filter

Grinding-welding station 1270x770mm - base

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2 640,00 €
Availability: 1000 In Stock

The grinding-welding station is intended for capturing and removing the dust and gases formed during grinding with a hand grinder or welding and metal working operations. The station may be used with an exhaust fan or fan-powered filter equipment.

Grinding-welding station 1270x770mm - base with guards

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2 970,00 €
Availability: 1000 In Stock

The grinding-welding station is intended for capturing and removing the dust and gases formed during grinding with a hand grinder or welding and metal working operations. The station may be used with an exhaust fan or fan-powered filter equipment.

Grinding-welding station 1270x770mm - base with top exhaust

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3 560,00 €
Availability: 1000 In Stock

The grinding-welding station is intended for capturing and removing the dust and gases formed during grinding with a hand grinder or welding and metal working operations. The station may be used with an exhaust fan or fan-powered filter equipment.

Grinding-welding station 1870x770mm - base

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3 990,00 €
Availability: 1000 In Stock

The grinding-welding station is intended for capturing and removing the dust and gases formed during grinding with a hand grinder or welding and metal working operations. The station may be used with an exhaust fan or fan-powered filter equipment.

Grinding-welding station 1870x770mm - base with guards

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4 140,00 €
Availability: 1000 In Stock

The grinding-welding station is intended for capturing and removing the dust and gases formed during grinding with a hand grinder or welding and metal working operations. The station may be used with an exhaust fan or fan-powered filter equipment.

Grinding-welding station 1870x770mm - base with top exhaust

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5 090,00 €
Availability: 1000 In Stock

The grinding-welding station is intended for capturing and removing the dust and gases formed during grinding with a hand grinder or welding and metal working operations. The station may be used with an exhaust fan or fan-powered filter equipment.