Filtrēt pēc



  • 1 160,00 € - 5 090,00 €

Ventilācijas ierīces

Ventilācijas aprīkojums ir svarīgs aprīkojums jebkurā metināšanas darbnīcā, kas nodrošina drošu un veselībai nekaitīgu darba vidi. Mūsu piedāvājumā ir plašs filtrēšanas sistēmu klāsts, kas efektīvi noņem metināšanas procesu laikā radušos piemaisījumus, piemēram, dūmus, putekļus un gāzes. Pateicoties mūsdienīgām tehnoloģijām, mūsu iekārtas garantē augstu filtrēšanas efektivitāti un zemas ekspluatācijas izmaksas.

Aktīvie filtri

Metināšanas tvaika nosūcējs IQ Air Flow 1500x1000x890 mm

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1 160,00 €
Availability: 1000 In Stock

Metināšanas tvaika nosūcēji ir svarīgs aprīkojums jebkurā metināšanas darbnīcā, kas palīdz uzturēt tīru un drošu darba vidi. Efektīvi novadot metināšanas dūmus un tvaikus tieši no to rašanās avota, nosūcēji nodrošina labāku redzamību, darbinieku veselības aizsardzību un atbilstību veselības un drošības standartiem.

Grinding-welding station 1270x770mm - base

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2 640,00 €
Availability: 1000 In Stock

The grinding-welding station is intended for capturing and removing the dust and gases formed during grinding with a hand grinder or welding and metal working operations. The station may be used with an exhaust fan or fan-powered filter equipment.

Grinding-welding station 1270x770mm - base with guards

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2 970,00 €
Availability: 1000 In Stock

The grinding-welding station is intended for capturing and removing the dust and gases formed during grinding with a hand grinder or welding and metal working operations. The station may be used with an exhaust fan or fan-powered filter equipment.

Grinding-welding station 1270x770mm - base with top exhaust

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3 560,00 €
Availability: 1000 In Stock

The grinding-welding station is intended for capturing and removing the dust and gases formed during grinding with a hand grinder or welding and metal working operations. The station may be used with an exhaust fan or fan-powered filter equipment.

Grinding-welding station 1870x770mm - base

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3 990,00 €
Availability: 1000 In Stock

The grinding-welding station is intended for capturing and removing the dust and gases formed during grinding with a hand grinder or welding and metal working operations. The station may be used with an exhaust fan or fan-powered filter equipment.

Grinding-welding station 1870x770mm - base with guards

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4 140,00 €
Availability: 1000 In Stock

The grinding-welding station is intended for capturing and removing the dust and gases formed during grinding with a hand grinder or welding and metal working operations. The station may be used with an exhaust fan or fan-powered filter equipment.

Grinding-welding station 1870x770mm - base with top exhaust

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5 090,00 €
Availability: 1000 In Stock

The grinding-welding station is intended for capturing and removing the dust and gases formed during grinding with a hand grinder or welding and metal working operations. The station may be used with an exhaust fan or fan-powered filter equipment.