Tool trolleys

Tool trolleys

Ensure your workplace is tidy and fully organised with GPPH tool trolleys! Our motto "Order Matters!" is not just a phrase, it's the foundation on which we have built our practical and highly functional tool trolleys.

Have you ever experienced the frustration of searching for key tools in a jumble of clutter, wasting valuable time and energy? With our innovative solutions, you can say goodbye to these problems once and for all! GPPH tool trolleys not only eliminate chaos, but also provide a range of benefits that will revolutionise your work. With us, organisation becomes a pleasure and focusing on the job at hand becomes easier than ever before.

Experience a new level of organisation in the workshop or production floor. Invest in GPPH tool trolleys to make your work more efficient.

Order Matters!

Tool trolley M

€ 669 net.

Our M tool trolley is the essence of practicality and functionality in one. It accommodates welding table tools and other accessories to make your work even more efficient.

Thanks to its design, our small tool trolley is not only a space-saver but also an ergonomic way of working. Place it under most GPPH tables and all the tools you need are literally at your fingertips. Easy and convenient!

Let storing and accessing your tools be more intuitive and convenient than ever before. When you choose GPPH, you're not just choosing tools - you're choosing a manufacturer that always adapts to the needs of its customers!

M tool trolley with tools
Tool trolley M
Tool trolley M
Tool trolley M
Tool trolley M

Tool Trolley L

€ 669 net.

Looking for a spacious tool trolley? Our large L tool trolley is ready to store even the largest number of tools. The sturdy and well-designed construction allows you to store various tools in one place.

Created with capacity in mind, this trolley allows you to customise it to suit your needs. Add eccentric stops, pulleys, winches, clamps and other accessories to adapt it to your specific work. Thanks to its large capacity, keeping your workstation tidy becomes easier than ever.

Quick access to tools is the key to working efficiently. Our tool trolley L allows easy access to all your tools to avoid downtime on the job. Concentrate on your projects, knowing that everything you need is exactly where it should be.

L tool trolley with tools
Tool Trolley L
Tool Trolley L
Tool Trolley L
Tool Trolley L

Wózek narzędziowy L z zestawem szuflad

5 790zł netto

Nasz nowoczesny wózek z szufladami to idealne rozwiązanie dla osób ceniących sobie funkcjonalność oraz komfort użytkownika. Został zaprojektowany z myślą o ergonomii, aby codzienne korzystanie z niego było łatwe i wygodne.

  • ŁATWE WYSUWANIE: Szuflady gwarantują płynne i ciche wysuwanie, a ich dopuszczalne obciążenie to 100 kg.
    Nawet przy pełnym obciążeniu, szuflady poruszają się lekko i bez żadnych oporów.
  • PEŁEN WYSUW: Konstrukcja prowadnic pozwala na pełne wysunięcie szuflad, co zapewnia łatwy dostęp do całej
    zawartość, eliminując problem trudno dostępnych miejsc.
  • SYSTEM CICHEGO DOMYKU: Dzięki zastosowaniu nowoczesnych mechanizmów, szuflady zamykają się delikatnie
    i bez hałasu, co zwiększa komfort użytkowania i zapobiega uszkodzeniom.

Szuflady o pełnym wysuwie z prowadnicami o długości 450 mm, wyposażone w gumową matę, z powierzchnią o strukturze antypoślizgowej, o grubości 3 mm.