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  • 2 640,00 € - 5 090,00 €

Estações de retificação-soldadura

As estações de trituração e soldaduraSOG da GPPH são utilizadas para captar e remover poeiras e gases gerados durante a trituração com uma rebarbadora manual ou a soldadura e a metalurgia. A SOG pode ser combinada com um exaustor ou um dispositivo de filtragem. Estão disponíveis em dois tamanhos de topo: 1270x770 e 1870x770. A gama GPPH inclui uma base de suporte, uma base com tampas e uma base com extração aérea. O tampo tem orifícios de montagem no sistema fi 28mm numa grelha 100x100 e orifícios adicionais para extração de poeiras e gases. Cada versão da estação de esmerilagem e soldadura tem um dispositivo de fixação de 160 mm montado na superfície lateral do poço de extração. Desta forma, o ar pode ser extraído por trás através da mesa do poço de extração. As estações de trabalho SOG são mais adequadas para a indústria eletromecânica, aeroespacial e o fabrico de máquinas e vários tipos de maquinaria.

Filtros activos

Grinding-welding station 1270x770mm - base

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2 640,00 €
Disponibilidade: 1000 Em stock

The grinding-welding station is intended for capturing and removing the dust and gases formed during grinding with a hand grinder or welding and metal working operations. The station may be used with an exhaust fan or fan-powered filter equipment.

Grinding-welding station 1270x770mm - base with guards

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2 970,00 €
Disponibilidade: 1000 Em stock

The grinding-welding station is intended for capturing and removing the dust and gases formed during grinding with a hand grinder or welding and metal working operations. The station may be used with an exhaust fan or fan-powered filter equipment.

Grinding-welding station 1270x770mm - base with top exhaust

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3 560,00 €
Disponibilidade: 1000 Em stock

The grinding-welding station is intended for capturing and removing the dust and gases formed during grinding with a hand grinder or welding and metal working operations. The station may be used with an exhaust fan or fan-powered filter equipment.

Grinding-welding station 1870x770mm - base

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3 990,00 €
Disponibilidade: 1000 Em stock

The grinding-welding station is intended for capturing and removing the dust and gases formed during grinding with a hand grinder or welding and metal working operations. The station may be used with an exhaust fan or fan-powered filter equipment.

Grinding-welding station 1870x770mm - base with guards

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4 140,00 €
Disponibilidade: 1000 Em stock

The grinding-welding station is intended for capturing and removing the dust and gases formed during grinding with a hand grinder or welding and metal working operations. The station may be used with an exhaust fan or fan-powered filter equipment.

Grinding-welding station 1870x770mm - base with top exhaust

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5 090,00 €
Disponibilidade: 1000 Em stock

The grinding-welding station is intended for capturing and removing the dust and gases formed during grinding with a hand grinder or welding and metal working operations. The station may be used with an exhaust fan or fan-powered filter equipment.