Mounting pin - Φ16
Mounting pin is a tool with which you can seamlessly connect Welding Table tops and welding table tops with connecting cubes, increasing their working surface.
Mobile shelf for clamps S - Φ16 - PRO
Mobile shelf for clamps S – Mobile shelf for clamps S is a shelf where you can store various fastening clamps - ordinary, with a lever and with variable throat depth.
Mobile shelf for clamps S - Φ16 - PLUS
Mobile shelf for clamps S – Mobile shelf for clamps S is a shelf where you can store various fastening clamps - ordinary, with a lever and with variable throat depth.
Mobile shelf for clamps S - Φ16 - ECO
Mobile shelf for clamps S – Mobile shelf for clamps S is a shelf where you can store various fastening clamps - ordinary, with a lever and with variable throat depth.
Mobile shelf for clamps S - Φ16 - DIY
Mobile shelf for clamps S – Mobile shelf for clamps S is a shelf where you can store various fastening clamps - ordinary, with a lever and with variable throat depth.
Mobile shelf for assembly bolts S - Φ16 - PRO
Mobile shelf for bolts S is a shelf where you can store up to 10 pieces of fast assembly bolts keeping the order.
Mobile shelf for assembly bolts S - Φ16 - PLUS
Mobile shelf for bolts S is a shelf where you can store up to 10 pieces of fast assembly bolts keeping the order.
Mobile shelf for assembly bolts S - Φ16 - ECO
Mobile shelf for bolts S is a shelf where you can store up to 10 pieces of fast assembly bolts keeping the order.
Mobile shelf for assembly bolts S - Φ16 - DIY
Mobile shelf for bolts S is a shelf where you can store up to 10 pieces of fast assembly bolts keeping the order.
Mobile shelf for assembly bolts M - Φ16 - PLUS
Mobile shelf for assembly bolts M is a shelf where you can store up to 20 pieces of fast assembly bolts keeping the order.
Mobile shelf for assembly bolts M - Φ16 - DIY
Mobile shelf for assembly bolts M is a shelf where you can store up to 20 pieces of fast assembly bolts keeping the order.
Mobile shelf for assembly bolts M - Φ16 - ECO
Mobile shelf for assembly bolts M is a shelf where you can store up to 20 pieces of fast assembly bolts keeping the order.
Mobile shelf for clamps M - Φ16 - DIY
Mobile shelf for clamps M – Mobile shelf for clamps M is a shelf where you can store various fastening clamps - ordinary, with a lever and with variable throat depth.
Mobile shelf for assembly bolts M - Φ16 - PRO
Mobile shelf for assembly bolts M is a shelf where you can store up to 20 pieces of fast assembly bolts keeping the order.
Mobile shelf for clamps M - Φ16 - ECO
Mobile shelf for clamps M – Mobile shelf for clamps M is a shelf where you can store various fastening clamps - ordinary, with a lever and with variable throat depth.
Mobile shelf for clamps M - Φ16 - PLUS
Mobile shelf for clamps M – Mobile shelf for clamps M is a shelf where you can store various fastening clamps - ordinary, with a lever and with variable throat depth.
Mobile shelf for clamps M - Φ16 - PRO
Mobile shelf for clamps M – Mobile shelf for clamps M is a shelf where you can store various fastening clamps - ordinary, with a lever and with variable throat depth.
Stop 150 - Φ16 - PLUS
Stop 150 system can be used for positioning and fixing the welded components on the Welding Table.
Flat mobile shelf S - Φ16 - PRO
Flat mobile shelf S – is a shelf that is ideal as a place to put the various types of tools. Thanks to it your workplace will be well organized which will translate into better ergonomics.
Flat mobile shelf S - Φ16 - PLUS
Flat mobile shelf S – is a shelf that is ideal as a place to put the various types of tools. Thanks to it your workplace will be well organized which will translate into better ergonomics.
Flat mobile shelf S - Φ16 - ECO
Flat mobile shelf S – is a shelf that is ideal as a place to put the various types of tools. Thanks to it your workplace will be well organized which will translate into better ergonomics.
Flat mobile shelf S - Φ16 - DIY
Flat mobile shelf S – is a shelf that is ideal as a place to put the various types of tools. Thanks to it your workplace will be well organized which will translate into better ergonomics.
Flat mobile shelf M - Φ16 - ECO
Flat mobile shelf M – is a shelf that is ideal as a place to put the various types of tools. Thanks to it your workplace will be well organized which will translate into better ergonomics.
Mobile shelf for documentation - Φ16 - DIY
Mobile shelf for documentation is ideal for storing the documentation during the project execution. Thanks to it access to the technical documentation is at your fingertips.
Mobile shelf for documentation - Φ16 - ECO
Mobile shelf for documentation is ideal for storing the documentation during the project execution. Thanks to it access to the technical documentation is at your fingertips.
Mobile shelf for documentation - Φ16 - PLUS
Mobile shelf for documentation is ideal for storing the documentation during the project execution. Thanks to it access to the technical documentation is at your fingertips.
Mobile shelf for documentation - Φ16 - PRO
Mobile shelf for documentation is ideal for storing the documentation during the project execution. Thanks to it access to the technical documentation is at your fingertips.