Szerszámos kocsi L - Φ28
Nagyméretű szerszámos kocsi GPPH, amely a legigényesebb felhasználók számára is befogadja a szerszámkészletet! Segítségével a munkahelye olyan tiszta lesz, mint még soha, a GPPH szerszámok pedig rendezettek és könnyen hozzáférhetőek lesznek.
A sorrend valóban számít!
Szerszámos kocsi L - Φ16
Nagyméretű szerszámos kocsi GPPH, amely a legigényesebb felhasználók számára is befogadja a szerszámkészletet! Segítségével a munkahelye olyan tiszta lesz, mint még soha, a GPPH szerszámok pedig rendezettek és könnyen hozzáférhetőek lesznek.
A sorrend valóban számít!
Szerszámos kocsi M - Φ28
A szerszámkocsi számos előnye közül az egyik, hogy a GPPH hegesztőasztalok legtöbb változata alá helyezhető. Így munka közben minden szerszám kéznél van!
A sorrend valóban számít!
Szerszámos kocsi M - Φ16
A szerszámkocsi számos előnye közül az egyik, hogy a GPPH hegesztőasztalok legtöbb változata alá helyezhető. Így munka közben minden szerszám kéznél van!
A sorrend valóban számít!
Toolkit no. 2 for ECO welding tables - Φ16
Toolkit no. 2 ECO contains as many as 96 elements - tools from the “PLUS” series. Furthermore, to keep your workplace well organized, the set may include tool trolley M or tool trolley L (to choose from) - depending on the available space.
Toolkit no. 2 for ECO welding tables - Φ28
Toolkit no. 2 ECO contains as many as 96 elements - tools from the “PLUS” series. Furthermore, to keep your workplace well organized, the set may include tool trolley M or tool trolley L (to choose from) - depending on the available space.
Toolkit no. 2 for PLUS welding tables - Φ28
Toolkit no. 2 PLUS contains as many as 96 elements - tools from the “PLUS” series. Furthermore, to keep your workplace well organized, the set may include tool trolley M or tool trolley L (to choose from) - depending on the available space.
Toolkit no. 2 for PLUS welding tables - Φ16
Toolkit no. 2 PLUS contains as many as 96 elements - tools from the “PLUS” series. Furthermore, to keep your workplace well organized, the set may include tool trolley M or tool trolley L (to choose from) - depending on the available space.
Toolkit no. 2 for PRO welding tables - Φ28
Toolkit no. 2 PRO contains as many as 96 elements - tools from the “PRO” series. Furthermore, to keep your workplace well organized, the set may include tool trolley M or tool trolley L (to choose from) - depending on the available space.
Toolkit no. 2 for PRO welding tables - Φ16
Toolkit no. 2 PRO contains as many as 96 elements - tools from the “PRO” series. Furthermore, to keep your workplace well organized, the set may include tool trolley M or tool trolley L (to choose from) - depending on the available space.
Toolkit no. 2 for EXPERT welding tables - Φ28
Toolkit no. 2 EXPERTcontains as many as 96 elements - tools from the “EXPERT” series. Furthermore, to keep your workplace well organized, the set may include tool trolley M or tool trolley L (to choose from) - depending on the available space.
Toolkit no. 1 for ECO welding tables - Φ28
Toolkit no. 1 ECO contains as many as 146 elements - tools from the “PLUS” series. Furthermore, to keep your workplace well organized, the set may include tool trolley M or tool trolley L (to choose from) - depending on the available space.
Toolkit no. 1 for ECO welding tables - Φ16
Toolkit no. 1 ECO contains as many as 146 elements - tools from the “PLUS” series. Furthermore, to keep your workplace well organized, the set may include tool trolley M or tool trolley L (to choose from) - depending on the available space.
Toolkit no. 1 for PLUS welding tables - Φ28
Toolkit no. 1 PLUS contains as many as 146 elements - tools from the “PLUS” series. Furthermore, to keep your workplace well organized, the set may include tool trolley M or tool trolley L (to choose from) - depending on the available space.
Toolkit no. 1 for PLUS welding tables - Φ16
Toolkit no. 1 PLUS contains as many as 146 elements - tools from the “PLUS” series. Furthermore, to keep your workplace well organized, the set may include tool trolley M or tool trolley L (to choose from) - depending on the available space.
Toolkit no. 1 for PRO welding tables - Φ28
Toolkit no. 1 PRO contains as many as 146 elements - tools from the “PRO” series. Furthermore, to keep your workplace well organized, the set may include tool trolley M or tool trolley L (to choose from) - depending on the available space.
Toolkit no. 1 for PRO welding tables - Φ16
Toolkit no. 1 PRO contains as many as 146 elements - tools from the “PRO” series. Furthermore, to keep your workplace well organized, the set may include tool trolley M or tool trolley L (to choose from) - depending on the available space.
Toolkit no. 1 for EXPERT welding tables - Φ28
Toolkit no. 1 EXPERT contains as many as 146 elements - tools from the “EXPERT” series. Furthermore, to keep your workplace well organized, the set may include tool trolley M or tool trolley L (to choose from) - depending on the available space.